Hirz e Imam Jawad a.s Kabeer

The Hirz of Imam Jawad (AS) holds an exceptional spiritual significance as it is intricately written on original deer skin using sacred ink infused with Saffron water, and adorned with a fragment of the Turbah of Imam Hussain (AS). This extraordinary combination encapsulates the essence of both Imam Jawad (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS), infusing the hirz with their blessings and the sanctity of Karbala. The carefully inscribed prayers and verses on the deer skin offer divine protection, guidance, and solace against negative energies and evil forces. Possessing this hirz allows individuals to carry the profound spirituality of Imam Jawad (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS), seeking their intercession and finding spiritual strength and connection on their sacred journey of faith.
Product Code: HirzJwdKabir-Deer
Brand: Imported
Warranty: Quality
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 700 Rs. 950
You save Rs. 250 (26% Off)
Ordered Quantity: 21

  حرز امام جواد علیہ السلام

حرز امام جواد علیہ السلام  زمینی اور آسمانی آفات کو دور کرنے کے لیے امام جواد علیہ السلام کا سب سے مشہور تعویذ ہے۔

 یہ تعویذ تمام آداب اور اصولوں کے ساتھ ایامِ سعد میں  اور مخصوص قلم اور روشنائی سے تجربہ کار اساتذہ کی نگرانی میں تحریر کیا گیا ہے جس کی 100% ضمانت ہے۔

 🍃 * اس قیمتی تعویذ کی کچھ خصوصیات:* 🍃

💕 دشمن کی بری نظر اور زبان  سے حفاظت

💕 سحر و جادو سے حفاظت 

💕 شیطانی وسوسہ سے حفاظت

💕  آنکھوں کی بینائی بہتر ہوگی

💕 دشمن کے دھوکے سے بچاؤ

💕 برے لوگ، سلاطین اور شیاطین کے شر سے حفاظت کیلئے

💕 میدان میں شکست سے  حفاظت کیلئے 

💕 دشمن  کے  انتقام سے بچاؤ 

💕 بیماری اور تکلیف سے محفوظ رکھنے کے لیے

💕  ظلم و ستم سے بچاؤ 

💕 غربت اور فقر  سے بچاؤ 

💕 عزت کی حفاظت

💕 تمام آفات اور عذاب سے حفاظت

 💕 شادی میں آسانی کے لیے (اگر منتر یا جادو کی وجہ سے قسمت بند ہو جائے)

 💕 کاروبار کی خوشحالی یا مناسب ملازمت کی فراہمی کے لیے

 💕 ان کے لیے جن کی نیند خراب ہے یا نیند میں سکون نہیں ہے۔

💕  بیماروں کو شفا دینے کے لیے

💕 کسی بھی منتر اور جادو کے توڑ کے لیے

 💕 رزق میں اضافہ کے لیے


Islamic Hirz of Imam Jawad (AS)

The “Hirz of Imam Jawad” refers to a small prayer card or talisman that is associated with Imam Muhammad al-Jawad, who was the ninth Shia Imam. This talisman is believed to provide protection and guidance to its holder, and is often used for spiritual and physical healing.

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is typically inscribed with Quranic verses, the names of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, and supplications or prayers. It is often worn around the neck or carried in a pocket as a form of spiritual protection and connection to the Imam.

The tradition of using hirz, or prayer cards, is common among Shia Muslims and is believed to have originated with the Prophet Muhammad and his family. The use of the Hirz of Imam Jawad is particularly popular among Shia Muslims, who revere Imam Jawad as a spiritual guide and leader.

Overall, the Hirz of Imam Jawad is seen as a powerful symbol of faith and devotion for many Shia Muslims, and is believed to provide spiritual support and protection to its holders

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is also known as “Tabaqat al-Nabi” (The Tablets of the Prophet) or “Tabaqat al-Imam al-Jawad” (The Tablets of Imam Jawad). According to Shia tradition, Imam Jawad received these tablets from his father, Imam Ali al-Ridha, who had received them from his father, Imam Musa al-Kadhim, and so on, all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad.

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is believed to have many spiritual and physical benefits. It is said to protect its holder from harm, both physical and spiritual, and to bring blessings, prosperity, and success. It is also believed to have healing properties and is often used to treat illnesses or to help with fertility and childbirth.

In Shia Islam, the use of talismans or prayer cards is sometimes controversial, with some scholars arguing that it is a form of superstition or shirk (idolatry). However, many Shia Muslims view the Hirz of Imam Jawad as a legitimate form of spiritual practice and devotion.

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is often adorned with beautiful calligraphy and designs, and can be made from a variety of materials, including paper, metal, or precious stones. It is usually worn close to the body, either around the neck or on a bracelet or keychain.

Overall, the Hirz of Imam Jawad is a powerful symbol of faith and devotion for many Shia Muslims, and is believed to provide spiritual protection and guidance to its holders.

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is often used in conjunction with other forms of Shia devotional practice, such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage to holy sites. Many Shia Muslims believe that the talisman enhances the effectiveness of these practices by providing additional spiritual support and protection.

In addition to the Hirz of Imam Jawad, there are many other talismans or prayer cards that are used by Shia Muslims for spiritual protection and guidance. These may be associated with different Imams or saints, or may be inscribed with specific Quranic verses or supplications.

The Hirz of Imam Jawad is often given as a gift, especially to children or to those who are facing difficult circumstances. It is believed that the talisman can provide comfort and solace in times of need, and can help its holder to overcome adversity and challenges.

The use of talismans or prayer cards is not unique to Shia Islam, and similar practices can be found in other religious traditions around the world. In some cases, these practices have been criticized or even outlawed as superstitious or fraudulent, while in others they are seen as legitimate forms of spiritual expression and devotion.

Overall, the Hirz of Imam Jawad is an important symbol of faith and devotion in Shia Islam, and is seen as a powerful tool for spiritual protection and guidance. While its use is not universally accepted among Shia Muslims, for those who do use it, the Hirz of Imam Jawad is a meaningful and valuable part of their religious practice.

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