Products » Tabrukat e Islami » Holy Carpet piece

Mutabaruk Set (Astan e Rizvia)

Mutabaruk Set (Astan e Rizvia)

Holy Set of Shrin of Imam e Raza a.s (by Astana e Rizvia)
Set includes Nageen (Holy stone) of shine of Imam Hussain a.s, Holy carpet piece of Shine of Imam Raza a.s & pure khaq e Shifa. This All package is displayed in beautiful wooden box, best for Zyarat and for gifts to special one.

Rs. 4,200Rs. 4,900
Holy Carpet Piece of Roza Hazrat Abbas (a.s)

Holy Carpet Piece of Roza Hazrat Abbas (a.s)

Size 9x9”, Fitted in beautiful wooden frame.
Holy package contains pure Ab-e-Sardab & Khaq e Shifa.
Unique Tabaruk for Zyaratgha, and display in holy places.

Rs. 3,250
Holy Carpet Piece of Roza Imam Hussain (a.s)

Holy Carpet Piece of Roza Imam Hussain (a.s)

Size 9x9”, Fitted in beautiful wooden frame
Holy package contains pure Ab-e-Sardab & Khaq e Shifa.
Unique Tabaruk for Zyaratgha, and display in holy places.

Rs. 3,250